Entity classes are the pillars for building a solid business layer of the application. An Entity class enables you to create objects and collections which can interact with other objects and collections. They provide the interface for the true object oriented programming. The downside of creating the Entity Classes is that they require a lot of code to be written. Most of the code is repetitive and involves creating the private fields and exposing them as pubic properties. In this article we will see that how you can minimize this work by creating a very simple code generator application by using the classes defined in the CodeDom namespace.


Entity classes are the pillars for building a solid business layer of the application. An Entity class enables you to create objects and collections which can interact with other objects and collections. They provide the interface for the true object oriented programming. The downside of creating the Entity Classes is that they require a lot of code to be written.  Most of the code is repetitive and involves creating the private fields and exposing them as pubic properties. In this article we will see that how you can minimize this work by creating a very simple code generator application by using the classes defined in the CodeDom namespace.

Creating the Code Generator:

This article is focused on generating the code using the CodeDom namespace. In this article you will write a console application which will generate the Entity Classes which will be mapped to the tables in your database.

Creating the NameSpace:

The first step in generating the Entity Class is to generate a namespace. CodeDom provides an easy way to declare your custom namespace. Take a look at the InitializeNameSpace method below which creates the custom namespace.

private CodeNamespace InitializeNameSpace(string name)


            CodeNamespace currentNameSpace = new CodeNamespace(name);

            currentNameSpace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System"));

            currentNameSpace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System.Text"));


            return currentNameSpace;         }

The CodeNamespace class is responsible for creating the namespaces. The name passed to the InitializeNameSpace method contains the name for the namespace which is to be created. The Add method of the Imports class of CodeNameSpace is responsible for adding multiple namespaces. In the code above I have added two namespaces namely System and System.Text.  

Creating the Class:

The next step is to create the class. The CodeTypeDeclaration object in the CodeDom namespace is responsible for creating classes. Take a look at the CreateClass method below which generates the code for creating the class.

  private CodeTypeDeclaration CreateClass(string name)


            CodeTypeDeclaration ctd = new CodeTypeDeclaration(name);         


            ctd.IsClass = true;

            ctd.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;


            return ctd;


Creating Fields and Properties:

Creating the fields and properties is a little tricky. For fields you need to use the CodeMemberField object. In order to map the fields to the database columns you need to get the schema of the table. This can be done easily by filling the DataSet with the schema of the database table. The SqlDataAdapter object’s Fill method will fill the DataSet with the table schema. Take a look at the code below:

public static DataSet GetDataSet(string databaseName, string tableName)


            string connectionString = GetConnectionString(databaseName);

            string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;


            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

            SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ad.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped,tableName);


            return ds;            


The GetDataSet method takes the database name and the table name as the two parameters and on those bases it gets the schema of the table in the database.

Now, let’s see how the fields and the properties are created.

private void CreateFields(CodeTypeDeclaration ctd)



            DataSet ds = DatabaseHelper.GetDataSet(DatabaseName,TableName);         


            foreach (DataColumn dc in ds.Tables[0].Columns)


                ctd.Members.Add(new CodeMemberField(dc.DataType.ToString()



                CodeMemberProperty property = new CodeMemberProperty();

                property.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;

                property.Name = dc.ColumnName;

                property.Type = new CodeTypeReference(dc.DataType);

                property.HasGet = true;

                property.HasSet = true;



                                   new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(






                property.SetStatements.Add(new CodeAssignStatement(

                                   new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(

                                     new CodeThisReferenceExpression(),











As, you can see once you get the DataSet which contains the schema of the table you iterate through the columns and creates the fields which are represented by column names. The properties are created by using the CodeMemberProperty object. The CodeMemberProperty object has the SetStatements and GetStatments properties which represents the setter and getter methods of a property.

Generating the Code:

Finally, it is time to generate the code. The GenerateCode method given below is responsible for generating the code. The CSharpCodeProvider is responsible for generating the code in the C# language. You can use the VBCodeProvider to generate the code in VB.NET. The GenerateCodeFromNameSpace method is responsible for generating the code and putting the generated code in the StringBuilder object. Once, the code is written to the StringBuilder object it is returned to the caller.

public string GenerateCode()



           CodeGeneratorOptions options = new CodeGeneratorOptions();

            options.BracingStyle = "C";

            options.IndentString = "  ";


            StringBuilder sbCode = new StringBuilder();

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sbCode);




            CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider();


                sw, options);                



            return sbCode.ToString();




This article gives you a very brief introduction to the CodeDom namespace and how it can be used to generate code.

I hope you liked the article happy coding!

Download the complete code sample using the link below.  

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