In this video Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to use LINQ to SQL inner and outer left joins. He will also compare the LINQ to SQL approach with the traditional T-SQL approach.


In this video Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to use LINQ to SQL inner and outer left joins. He will also compare the LINQ to SQL approach with the traditional T-SQL approach.

NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext();

            var query1 = (from c in db.Categories
                         join p in db.Products
                         on equals p.CategoryID
                         select new { CategoryName = c.CategoryName }).Distinct();

            var query = (from c in db.Categories
                        join p in db.Products
                        on equals p.CategoryID into joinedProducts

                        from joinedProduct in joinedProducts.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new { CategoryName = c.CategoryName }).Distinct();


            foreach (var item in query)

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