ASP.NET validation works in mysterious ways especially when you want to validate a group of controls on the page. In this article we are going to dig deep into the ValidationGroup property and see how to validate a group of controls.


ASP.NET validation works in mysterious ways especially when you want to validate a group of controls on the page. In this article we are going to dig deep into the ValidationGroup property and see how to validate a group of controls.




Consider that you have two TextBoxes on the page. Each TextBox has its own validator control. Here is the code:


 <div class="blue">   


        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBlue" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvBlue"  runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtBlue" ErrorMessage="Blue TextBox is required" />         





    <div class="yellow">  


         <asp:TextBox ID="txtYellow" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvYellow" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtYellow" ErrorMessage="Yellow TextBox is required" />





Don't worry too much about the CSS class "blue" and "yellow" they are just to give background colors.


I also have two buttons on the form.


 <asp:Button ID="btn_Blue" runat="server" Text="Validation BLUE" OnClick="Validate_Blue" />    

    <asp:Button ID="btn_Yellow" runat="server" Text="Validation YELLOW" OnClick="Validate_Yellow" />   


btn_Blue is used to validate the "txtBlue" TextBox and btn_Yellow is used to validate the "txtYellow" TextBox. If you click on any of the TextBox both the validators will be fired. You will see the following output:


As, you can see both the validators on the page are fired even though we only wanted to validate the txtBlue (Blue TextBox). In order to only fire the validation on particular controls we need to introduce the ValidationGroup property. Here it goes:


 <div class="blue">   


        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBlue" ValidationGroup="blue" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvBlue" ValidationGroup="blue"  runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtBlue" ErrorMessage="Blue TextBox is required" />






    <div class="yellow">  


         <asp:TextBox ID="txtYellow" ValidationGroup="yellow" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvYellow" ValidationGroup="yellow" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtYellow" ErrorMessage="Yellow TextBox is required" />




    <br />

    <br />

    <asp:Button ID="btn_Blue" runat="server" ValidationGroup="blue" Text="Validation BLUE" OnClick="Validate_Blue" />   


        <br />


    <asp:Button ID="btn_Yellow" runat="server" ValidationGroup="yellow" Text="Validation YELLOW" OnClick="Validate_Yellow" />   





As, you can see in the above code the ValidationGroup property is set on the TextBox controls, Validation controls and the Button control. Now, if I click the btn_Blue button it will only validate the txtBlue control (Blue TextBox).


But hey! Why do we have the ValidationGroup property on the TextBox controls. It should only be on the Validation controls since they are fired and they know which control to validate using the "ControlToValidate" property. So, let's remove the ValidationGroup property from the TextBox controls.


Here is the code:





    <div class="blue">   


        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBlue" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvBlue" ValidationGroup="blue"  runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtBlue" ErrorMessage="Blue TextBox is required" />






    <div class="yellow">  


         <asp:TextBox ID="txtYellow" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvYellow" ValidationGroup="yellow" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtYellow" ErrorMessage="Yellow TextBox is required" />




    <br />

    <br />

    <asp:Button ID="btn_Blue" runat="server" ValidationGroup="blue" Text="Validation BLUE" OnClick="Validate_Blue" />   


        <br />


    <asp:Button ID="btn_Yellow" runat="server" ValidationGroup="yellow" Text="Validation YELLOW" OnClick="Validate_Yellow" />   




Refresh the page and you will notice that it still works. This is because the Button click will fire the matching validation group which will be the validator control. And the validator control will fire the Validate method on the control which is represented by the "ControlToValidate" property.


If you are using user controls and want to group the validation depending on the user controls then you will have to take a different route. One of the ways is to just hard code the ValidationGroup for each control inside the user control. I think that is a bad solution when you want to validate the user control as a single unit. Here is one approach which dynamically assigns the ValidationGroup to the controls within the user control.


Check out the class diagram below:






Basically, the BaseUserControl exposes a ValidationGroup property which can be used by the derived controls on the page to set up the ValidationGroup. After that the Button on the page is assigned the same ValidationGroup which was assigned to the user control.


Now, when the Button is clicked only the group matching the ValidationGroup of the Button gets validated.


Here is the implementation of the BaseUserControl clasS:



 public class BaseUserControl : UserControl


        public BaseUserControl()


            // automatically register the event

            this.Load += new EventHandler(BaseUserControl_Load);



        void BaseUserControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            // something!




        // assign the validation group to the controls

        protected void AssignValidationGroupToControls()


            // get the validation control from this control and assign the validation group

            foreach (Control control in this.Controls)


                PropertyInfo property = control.GetType().GetProperty("ValidationGroup");

                if (property == null) continue;


                property.SetValue(control, ValidationGroup, null);




        public string ValidationGroup


            get { return (string)ViewState["ValidationGroup"]; }

            set { ViewState["ValidationGroup"] = value; }





The AssignValidationGroupToControls simply assigns the ValidationGroup as set in the ASPX page to the controls that have the ValidationGroup property. Here is the usage on the page:



<uc1:BlueTextBox ID="blueControl" runat="server" ValidationGroup="blue" />


<asp:Button ID="btn_Blue" runat="server" ValidationGroup="blue" Text="Validation BLUE" OnClick="Validate_Blue" />   



<uc2:YellowTextBox ID="yellowControl" runat="server" ValidationGroup="yellow" />


 <asp:Button ID="btn_Yellow" runat="server" ValidationGroup="yellow" Text="Validation YELLOW" OnClick="Validate_Yellow" />   




In this article we learned how to use the ValidationGroup property which allows us to validate controls in a group. We also learned how to expose a ValidationGroup property to the UserControl and dynamically inject the ValidationGroup feature into the controls.